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Strep Throat And Flu Specialist

Mansfield Urgent Care & Family Medicine

Family Medicine & Urgent Care located in Mansfield, TX

If you have a sore throat, fever, chills, body ache, and fatigue that makes it hard to get out of bed, seeing a doctor as soon as possible is critical to get treatment and prevent serious complications. Mansfield Urgent Care & Family Medicine in Mansfield, Texas, offers same-day appointments for your convenience and well-being. Quick and accurate diagnosis allow you to rest comfortably and then get back to work as soon as possible.

Strep Throat and Flu Q & A

What are the symptoms of strep throat?

Some patients have no symptoms of all, while others experience a multitude of symptoms including sore throat, fever, redness and swelling in the throat and tonsils, and red or white patches/spots in the back of the mouth and throat. The soreness associated with strep throat is worse when swallowing or speaking. Sometimes children experience an upset stomach when they have strep throat.

How do you catch strep throat?

In most cases, strep throat is spread through touch. This means that if you have skin-to-skin contact or share items with somebody who has the bacteria (they don’t have to be sick to have the bacteria on their skin or items they’ve touched), you can contract strep throat. In some cases, you may also contract strep throat by breathing in air contaminated with the bacteria. This can happen when somebody who has strep throat coughs, sneezes, or laughs, release the bacteria that causes strep throat into the air.

How is strep throat treated?

Antibiotics are used to treat the infection. Antibiotics can reduce both the severity and duration of symptoms if they’re taken within two days of onset. This is why seeking treatment early is especially important. Additionally, over-the-counter pain medications can be used to relieve the symptoms.

What are the symptoms of the flu?

If you have the flu, you may experience:

  • Muscle pain
  • Dry or productive cough
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Dehydration
  • Flushing
  • Sweating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Body ache
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen lymph nodes

When is treatment required for the flu?

It’s always wise to seek evaluation for the flu; this allows your healthcare provider to accurately diagnose the condition and consider the risks knowing your medical history and current health.

How is the flu treated?

Antiviral medications can decrease the duration and severity of symptoms. In some cases, other medications and treatments are used to alleviate symptoms or treat complications of the flu. Patients who suffer severe complications or who are risk of severe complications may be hospitalized for close monitoring and intervention.